Marketing Through Teardrop Banners and Flags
13 June 2018, Posted by Teardrop Flags on Teardrop Flags

Signage is available in many different types and shapes, as anyone who owns a business will know. Teardrop banners and flags can be used almost anywhere, from exhibitions and tradeshows to your showroom and in front of your premises. Their unique shape and design is sure to make them a standout, no matter how you intend to use them in your marketing campaign.

What are the benefits?

These sorts of banners actually offer your business a number of benefits when it comes to marketing, including:

  • They can withstand windy weather. The materials used are water resistant and kept taut to the pole, which ensures that the design will remain visible at all times.
  • They are available in various sizes. This makes them a convenient choice for all sorts of occasions and applications. Most flags fall between 2 and 5 metres tall to ensure visibility.
  • They are highly versatile and inexpensive. Banners are not as expensive as other types of signage, which makes them great value for money – especially if you have a tight budget.

Are there any guidelines I need to be aware of?

It’s important to note that the Australian Government has set some specific guidelines for the use of teardrop flags and banners at events:

  • They should be of special significance and of broad interest to the community;
  • The banners should be erected and displayed for a specific period only;
  • They should not contain any offensive content;
  • They should be in context and harmonise with the surrounding landscape;
  • They should not be highly reflective; and
  • Commercial wording or sponsorship acknowledgement should not take up more than 20%.

It should also be noted that flags may be required to meet and subjected to some special conditions, such as:

  • They cannot be displayed along the centre strips of divided roads;
  • They should not be displayed more than 2 weeks prior to an event;
  • Directional signage should only be displayed on the day/s of the event; and
  • Banners should be removed within 48 hours of an event’s conclusion.

If you are looking to enhance your marketing campaign through the use of teardrop banners and flags, we hope that the above list of benefits and guidelines has given you a better idea of whether this is the right move or not. Keep in mind that this only covers part of your success – you need to ensure that your flags are well designed, made from quality materials and are highly visible.